We are proud to let you know that Evodos has won the Algae Innovation Award 2013 at the International Algae Congress in Hamburg, Germany.

The Committee of Experts praised the innovation power of Evodos and placing the innovation on the market, which makes a major contribution to advancing and improving the production of microalgae.

With the Dynamic Settlers Evodos‘ customers achieve excellent results in harvesting Algae. Evodos has over 60 customers worldwide in the Algae market, which proves that the innovation is really accepted by the Algae market. With Evodos, even the smallest Algae (species of Nannochloropsis), fragile algae (species of Dunaliella and Diatoms) and both fresh and marine water algae are harvested successfully.

The Evodos Dynamic settlers, with the unique Spiral Plate Technology reaches a separation efficiency over 95%, and a dry weight of the output Algae paste of 1.5 – 2 times better compared to traditional centrifuges. Even more important, the Algae paste is of excellent quality, all algae cells are harvested intact and undamaged. During the harvesting process, the Algae don’t change in structure and temperature. Evodos is the only Algae harvesting solution where all valuable components (ingredients) inside the Algae cells are fully retained. This significantly increases the value of the output Algae biomass.


A selected commission of high rank experts has chosen the winner from a range of nominees who have contributed to the Algae market. The commission shows appreciation for Evodos that has proven to contribute to the development of the Algae market and innovations in order to make the Algae market successful.

The Committee of Experts are:

Dr. Amha Belay, sr. Vice President & Chief Technology Officer at Earthrise Nutritionals, USA

Prof. Michael Borowitzka, Murdoch University – School of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology, Australia

Prof. Lee Kuan Yin, National University of Singapore, Singapore

Dr. Bernard Van Lengerich, Chief Science Officer & Vice President, General Mills Inc., USA

Prof. Dr. Vince Ördög, University of West Hungary – Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences, Hungary

We would like to thank the Committee of Experts and all our customers! With the help and valuable input of our customers we will continue our innovation and contribution to the Algae market. This award gives us the recognition that we are on the right track in bringing the Algae harvesting process to the next level.