Evodos has signed agreement with Noble Environmental Inc.
First C50 unit to be delivered in July 2019
Raamsdonksveer, The Netherlands – June 2019
Noble Environmental Inc. and Evodos B.V. have agreed to an initial six-month rental period for one containerized C50 unit. This first C50 unit will be part of a pilot project to recover valuable Oil Based Mud from drill cuttings that are collected from locations in West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. Initial pilot plant will be located in West Virginia.
The drill cuttings arriving from the drilling pads will first be processed with a Vertical Cuttings Dryer (VCD). This first stage is to separate the valuable oil based mud from the rock portion of the drill cuttings. The rock portion of the cuttings will then be landfilled.
The recovered fluids after the VCD are loading with hard to remove ultra-fine solids, which make the fluid useless. The Evodos patented technology will remove these ultra-fines, down to 1 micron, which will result in a valuable recovered fluid that is able to be returned to a drilling rig for reuse in drilling operations.
The goal of this pilot project is prove this model successful and set-up several drill cuttings processing facilities, each equipped with multiple Evodos units. This will enable Noble Environmental to process large volumes of cuttings and generate increasing volumes of recovered drilling fluid. This set-up will be suitable for both diesel based drilling fluid and synthetic based drilling fluid.
About Evodos:
Evodos was founded in 2007 in the Netherlands and is meanwhile active worldwide in various industries. The Evodos Dynamic Settler is suitable for different applications.
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If you would like more information about this topic, please call Evodos at +31 76 571 1170 or email: info@evodos.eu